The Fellowship and its Background

Hayes Men's Fellowship was founded in 1964 to provide an opportunity for retired and semi-retired men to meet and chat.
The programme of activities has now grown to include speakers at most of the meetings, as well as regular outings (eg coach trips to museums or breweries) and walks (either in London or the local countryside).

There is also a charitable element to the Fellowship's activities with involvement in the local charity fair (usually a bottle stall), regular collections for the Foodbank and one off contributions (eg the retiring collection at the AGM or payments to charities for volunteer speakers).

The Fellowship is now led by a Committee of volunteers that consists of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and a number of Members who organise Outings, Walks, Attendance Records and, importantly, Pastoral Care.
It continues to have strong links with the community and local churches. The President is the Rector of the Parish Church.
Membership has grown since the inaugural meetings and currently stands at just over 80. We are always open to new recruits who are retired or semi-retired men. Once again, membership is for men of any faith or none.

And the annual subscription is a very reasonable £15 which covers all meetings and walks. Outings are open to members and partners. There are separate charges for outings based on the relevant costs. Places on the outings are limited and available on a first come first served basis.

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